Friday, September 4, 2020

How To Prepare For IAS Exams - Pro Tips? - Tagore Civil & Judicial Service Destination

Once you have decided to become an IAS officer, the next very question that pops into your mind is whether to go for a coaching institute or self-study. Although it is important to seek expert guidance for IAS, it is equally possible to clear the exam by choosing to self-study. However, while preparing for IAS, it is essential to choose the right study materials that follow the UPSC guidelines. The study material for IAS is easily available online as well as at the nearby stores. Also, IAS Coaching in Chandigarh can help you a lot.  


There are many aspirants who have cracked the exam by joining IAS Coaching centers and choosing the right study material for IAS. In order to crack the exam, you need to be a consistent performer with a constant urge to achieve the results. You need to follow the self-paced study method if you choose to self-study. Here are some tips by the experts to help you prepare for the IAS exam.

Know the exam dates

Before you start preparing for IAS, know the exam dates. According to the UPSC guidelines, a calendar is released a year prior to the exam. You need to keep an eye on the UPSC exam calendar. You can directly get them on their website as well.

Know the requirements of the exam

It is important to know that every UPSC exam has three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interview. Clearing each stage will take you nearer to your goal of becoming an IAS officer, and, as you escalate each stage the difficulty and complexity of clearing the exam increases. You also need to have a thorough understanding of the UPSC syllabus and the IAS exam pattern. In addition, you need to have a clear idea about the IAS eligibility criteria.

Buy right Study material for IAS

Without investing in some books, one cannot clear the IAS exam. The syllabus is vast and completing it on time is a challenge. Therefore, buying the handwritten or compiled study material for IAS is essential. Although NCERT books are quite helpful, buying handwritten notes ensure that you cover every subject in detail without missing on any topic. You can get these notes from the Best IAS Coaching Center in Chandigarh.

Stay organized

You need to prepare a timetable and ensure that you follow it rigorously. You need to stay well-organized and spare equal time to every subject. Plan it in this order: study, revise, and test. You can. And, don't forget to maintain the balance between the study time and leisure time.


Click Here to Visit Best IAS Coaching Institute in Chandigarh.